

[Parlano di noi] Articolo Stratégies logistique

Newsteo appeared in the June/July 2021 edition of "Logistics Strategies" Magazine. The "Cold chain" section contained an article incorporating our wireless solutions and how they are optimal for measuring the temperature of refrigerated enclosures as well as temperature-controlled warehouses. Our products meet the high quality standards in this sector. Indeed, our autonomous temperature recorders [...]

2022-02-17T16:06:22+01:0016 Luglio 2021|Categories: Parlano di noi|

Check-list prima di partire in vacanza

Le vacanze si avvicinano? Finalmente un po' di riposo all’orizzonte... Per partire tranquilli, Newsteo vi propone un rapido controllo del vostro impianto di registratori wireless Newsteo sull’applicazione web Per questo, occorre effettuare innanzi tutto l’accesso a 1. Controllare lo stato dei registratori wireless Sul dashboard: Controllare [...]

2021-07-20T09:45:02+02:0013 Luglio 2021|Categories: Il Valore Aggiunto Tecnico|

Training sessions during the summer

Personalized training sessions during the summer Summer is sometimes a slower period, great to training. We are available to train your teams to use your favourite software: RF Monitor or Webmonitor. A tailor-made program according to your needs: training a new employee, exploring an option that you are not currently using, support for configuration, [...]

2021-07-09T15:09:16+02:009 Luglio 2021|Categories: Novità|

[Production maintenance] IIoT

IIoT : Newsteo celebrates its 15th anniversary and continues its development towards the industry Three questions to Philippe Guènebaud (president) and Franck Przysiek (CEO and CTO) - also co-founders of Newsteo, a company based in La Ciotat and specializing in the production of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions, and which blew out its [...]

2021-03-09T11:26:43+01:0027 Febbraio 2021|Categories: Parlano di noi|

Newsteo, member of the AFNOR Cold Chain Standardization Commission

Since January 2021, Newsteo has been a member of the Means of measuring and/or recording temperature in the cold chain standardization committee of AFNOR, the French standardization association. Newsteo is now participating in the reflection and development of national and international standards in this area. Newsteo's expertise in the development of [...]

2021-03-08T09:38:56+01:0016 Febbraio 2021|Categories: Comunicati di stampa|

Aggiornamento webmonitor del 21 gennaio 2021

Webmonitor update A new version of Webmonitor will go into production on January 21, 2021. This update will be made without interruption of service. New features you can enjoy: Optimization of the display for smartphones, the display becomes fully responsive. When used on a small screen such as a mobile phone, some menus are [...]

2021-01-08T11:44:50+01:008 Gennaio 2021|Categories: Evento|

[La Provence] Coronavirus: il vaccino arriva in Francia

Newsteo è citato in un articolo dalla Provenza che tratta delle ultime notizie dalla campagna di vaccinazione francese. Philippe GUENEBAUD, Presidente di Newsteo, parla dei nostri sensori -80 ° già utilizzati per il trasporto di cannucce o organi. Vi lascio leggere l'intero articolo sulla Provenza qui o scoprirlo di seguito. [...]

2021-01-14T10:22:16+01:0029 Dicembre 2020|Categories: Parlano di noi|

Webmonitor Maintenance December 29, 30, 31, 2020

Maintenance December 29, 30, 31, 2020 During maintenance, you will still be able to access your interface. It is possible that measurements are missing when you log in, but they will be automatically retrieved by the system within 2 days. During these 2 days, it is possible that you will again receive certain alerts [...]

2021-01-14T11:18:02+01:0014 Dicembre 2020|Categories: Evento|
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