
27 12, 2021

New PT1000 probe

2022-01-10T10:08:40+01:0027 December 2021|Categories: News|

This PT1000 probe connects directly to a LGR33 recorder. It allows you to measure the core temperature of a food. Thanks to its stainless-steel T-handle, it is easy to prick into it. It is more particularly dedicated to the food industry, for monitoring the freezing and cooking temperature. Main technical characteristics: PT1000 4 wire, [...]

4 10, 2021

New product: CO2 Monitor

2021-10-14T17:00:57+02:004 October 2021|Categories: News|

New: Measure CO2, temperature and humidity Newsteo announces the launch of a CO2 meter that also indicates temperature and relative humidity levels. CO2 level measurements are used to prevent COVID-19 contamination, since as CO2 levels increase in a space, so does the risk of transmitting this type of microorganism. The French High Council for [...]

9 07, 2021

Training sessions during the summer

2021-07-09T14:58:39+02:009 July 2021|Categories: News|

Personalized training sessions during the summer Summer is sometimes a slower period, great to training. We are available to train your teams to use your favourite software: RF Monitor or Webmonitor. A tailor-made program according to your needs: training a new employee, exploring an option that you are not currently using, support for configuration, [...]

6 03, 2020

The CUB22 and its all-terrain waterproof case

2021-10-19T15:41:05+02:006 March 2020|Categories: News|

Newsteo launched its new Wifi Ethernet Gateway reference, in a strengthened version and in a protected IP65 box. Optionally, a 3G / 4G modem can be added in order to convey the measurements through the cellular network This new reference includes: An IP65 industrial case The CUB22 Gateway with large screen, to transfer [...]

8 03, 2019

Future proofing your Telematics Offering

2021-09-06T14:42:53+02:008 March 2019|Categories: News|

Telematics companies and Temperature monitoring companies are the perfect industry partners for each other. Understanding Temperature measurement is a science upon itself, as is Telematics. It is inevitable the incorporation of goods monitoring within Telematic systems will become an industry standard. Especially when we look at the challenges of the end [...]

22 08, 2018

The World of Logistics is Changing…

2018-08-23T17:00:06+02:0022 August 2018|Categories: News, Technical advantages|

The World of Logistics is Changing... The world of logistics is changing; the technological advancement in industry is evolving into a more sophisticated arena, which is also pushing the logistics world to accommodate the Industrial 4.0 dream. If you’ve not heard of Industry 4.0 you soon will. ‘Industry 4.0’ makes reference [...]

10 12, 2017

Do you think the cold damaged your connected sensors?

2019-03-08T10:58:30+01:0010 December 2017|Categories: News|

With this winter time, humans are not the only ones to fear the sub-zero temperatures. The return of cold conditions will directly affect our cars and phones batteries. And so, the legitimate question is: Will these temperatures also affect our wireless recorders functioning ? At Newsteo, we use, for most of our connected sensors, [...]

17 06, 2016

Crowd Lending for Newsteo

2017-01-11T10:49:50+01:0017 June 2016|Categories: News|

The proceeds will be destined to get as soon as possible the COFRAC certification for our metrology laboratory . Our campaign UniLend ( the No. 1 French ) was launched yesterday and in few hours , the gauge already exceeds 50% . Warning: it is very short and lasts only five days , so feel free to take over [...]

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